
Drink and think at Tel Aviv University's Bar Talks

Written by
Jennifer Greenberg

When we hear the word "lecture," the trauma of forcing our eyes to stay open during 3-hour presentations while fighting back carpal tunnel syndrome from excessive note-taking comes rushing back. Learning can be fun. And it is, which is what Tel Aviv University in collaboration with Tel Aviv - Yafo Municipality wants to prove.

The two groups have come up with an innovative lecture series that takes all prior trauma from the classroom and turns it completely on its head. "Tel Aviv University Bar Talks" extracts the drab classroom setting from the equation and replaces it with a bar backdrop to connect academia to current events. The new series will address current academic topics relevant to our everyday lives in different bars around the White City.

The first talk will take place at the bar Rubi and will address the topic of migration. It will be hosted by Dr. Yossi Harpaz, lecturer in Sociology and Anthropology, who will talk about 'compensatory citizenship' and Dr. Chamutal Eitam, CEO and founder of 3 Million Club, who will address the challenges of humanitarian aid organizations.

Meet, drink, think, then drink and think some more.

Check out the Facebook event for more details. 

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