
13 things that are easier to do in Tel Aviv if you're single

Written by
Jennifer Greenberg

It's not hard to fall in love in the White City. But sometimes those rose-colored glasses get foggy and there comes a time when you realize that the single life is equally, if not more, beneficial. If you're questioning your relationship status, read these 13 things that are easier to manage if you're flying solo in Tel Aviv for some reassurance. It's easier to...

1. Sleep. If you're living on a Tel Aviv salary, you're probably living in a tiny studio apartment with a twin bed. Speaking from experience, doubling up in a single is not the most pleasant sleepover out there.

2. See all the bands you want to see at InDnegev without a fight. No need to (acid) trip, you can enjoy the soulful grooves of Ester Rada and Noga Erez without worrying about your boyfriend's preferences.

3. Indulge in Port Said's French Toast. Preparation takes half an hour, but it only takes half a minute to devour.

4. Find a seat on the bus. Avoid the "two seats are better than one" debacle and pop a squat.

5. Navigate the shuk with grace. When you cut out the buddy system, maneuvering past clueless tourists, cart-pushers, and small children becomes a walk in the park.

6. Ride your bike in peace...well, as much peace as one can find when biking in Tel Aviv.

7. Score a spot at HaMinzar without having to throw fists. The ham and cheese toast will taste all the better.

8. Binge on your favorite Netflix series. From now on, you get to choose what you want to watch, when you want to watch it.

9. Brunch at Shine. No more settling for your partner's favorite mediocre Benedict brunch that only tastes heavenly when paired with two mimosas and an impending hangover at 4:30 a.m.

10. Release that protective hummus hand. No one's going in for the double dip in your bottomless bowl of Mashawasha except for you.  

11. Say goodbye to sand in places you didn't know existed. That beach blanket is all yours baby. And the only sex on the beach you have to invest in is the tasty tropical cocktail.

12. Avoid cold showers. Your one true love is the ever generous Dood, and he loves to share his warmth with you.

13. Walk around naked. Though a relationship doesn't really change that.

There are also struggles to flying solo...check out the 21 toughest things about being single in Tel Aviv.

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