Golan Heights

At 1,200 meters above sea level, with a temperate climate and extremely rich soil, the Golan is home to about a dozen actively producing wineries. Many would argue, however, that the Golan Heights Winery, located in the small town of Katzrin, is the finest in the region – if not, nationwide. With Napa-native Victor Schoenfeld at the helm, the winery has been consistently winning some of the international wine industry's top honors since its inception in the mid-80's with its high quality, yet very affordable wines.
Another aspect that sets the Golan Heights Winery apart from the rest is its socially conscious focus. The winery cultivates Odem, a strictly organic vineyard and donates proceeds from their Gamla series to help preserve endangered species in the Gamla Nature Reserve. The Golan Heights Winery also provides courses for those in the hospitality industry, to help educate those working with wine, and by extension, the Israeli public, about the many aspects of wine culture – from wine history to the production process and proper degustation. Pelter Winery, a family-operated estate with a decidedly contemporary approach, is also a standout in the region. The winery owner, Tal Pelter, sees his winemaking as “a balance of experience, skill and intuition,” and aims to create distinctive wines that echo the vineyard's rustic, intimate character. Despite its small size, the winery produces 80,000 bottles a year.
Golan Heights Winery, 04-6968435, golanwines.co.il
Pelter Winery, 052-749207, pelterwinery.com