Raja Ampat
Photograph: Purwanto Nugroho/Shutterstock
Photograph: Purwanto Nugroho/Shutterstock

The best scuba diving spots in Indonesia

From national parks to lesser-visited island chains, these are some of the archipelago’s finest dive sites

Leyla Rose

Indonesia is a bucket list destination for any avid diver. Much of the country is located within the Coral Triangle, home to the planet’s most diverse reefs and waters. From tiny macro critters to huge marine mammals, the dive sites here rarely disappoint. For the majority of places listed below, the best time to dive is in the dry season between April and October. The only exception is Raja Ampat, where the dry season is the opposite (October to April) – there is an advantage to this though, as it means that there’s somewhere to dive all year round. Whether you’re a beginner or an advanced diver, here are some of the best locations for an underwater adventure.

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Best diving spots in Indonesia

1. Raja Ampat

Nevermind Indonesia – Raja Ampat boasts some of the best diving in the whole world. Located in West Papua, this archipelago is right at the centre of the Coral Triangle, where around 75 percent of the world’s coral species can be found alongside turtles, sharks, manta rays, seahorses and thousands of fish species. Some of the best dive sites can be found around the Dampier Strait (including the famous Cape Kri), Misool Island and Batanta Island. There are dive centres located on the larger islands such as Waigeo, Gam and Kri, but if you prefer to hop between each island, then a liveaboard is a great option.

2. Komodo National Park

It may be famous for the mighty Komodo dragon, but Komodo National Park’s underwater world rivals anything above the surface. Located on the Lintah Strait, the currents are notoriously strong and wild out here, so it’s better suited to those who already have a few dives under their belt. It’s well worth it though, as the various dive sites are teeming with incredible creatures, such as mantas at Manta Alley, sharks at Crystal Rock and huge schools of fish at Batu Bolong. Dive centres are found in Labuan Bajo, the main town on Flores Island. If you have a little more time to play with, a liveaboard from Bali or Lombok is a lovely way to travel here and soak up the stunning scenery along the way.


3. Lombok

Lombok is a fantastic place to dive as it offers something for all levels. If you’re new to diving, the islands of Gili Trawangan, Gili Meno and Gili Air off Lombok’s northwest coast are the best places to learn. There are a wealth of dive schools here, and conditions are ideal for beginners. You won’t want to miss diving at Bounty Wreck, a sunken ship that has been taken over by moray eels, lionfish and scorpionfish. There are also the ‘South Gilis’ which include Gili Gede, Gili Asahan and Gili Layar – these islands are Lombok’s best-kept secrets, with far fewer crowds and healthy coral reefs. For more experienced divers, Belongas Bay in the south of Lombok has schools of barracuda, tuna, mobula, eagle rays and hammerhead sharks at sites like The Magnet and The Cathedral.

4. Bunaken National Marine Park

Located on the very north tip of Sulawesi, Bunaken is one of Indonesia’s first marine parks. Established in 1991, over 30 years of protection have done wonders for the park’s biodiversity. As well as being home to over 70 percent of Indonesian fish species and almost 400 species of coral, you’ll also get to see marine mammals such as dolphins, dugongs and sperm whales. Comprising the islands of Bunaken, Mantehage, Siladen, Manado Tua and Nain Island, the dive sites – from muck diving to coral walls – are spread out across the park, so there are rarely any crowds. There are dive resorts in the mainland city of Manado, but it’s much better to stay at the ones on Bunaken, Siladen and Manado Tua.


5. Wakatobi National Marine Park

Heading all the way down to the southeast coast of Sulawesi is Wakatobi, a group of islands in the Tukangbesi Archipelago. A relative newcomer in the Indonesian diving scene, this sleepy corner of Indonesia still flies under the radar. Those who do make it here are rewarded with Indonesia’s largest barrier reef, a pristine coral ecosystem with turtles, reef sharks and giant schools of fish. There are over 50 dive sites spread across the park, with some of the best ones being Roma Reef, Cornucopia and Table Coral City. All levels can dive here, and there are even great snorkelling spots in the seagrass meadows and shallow reefs.

6. Derawan Islands

This group of islands in northeastern Kalimantan are quite remote and expensive to get to, but it’s absolutely worth it. From walls to reefs and caverns, the diverse terrain features all kinds of marine life, from seahorses and blue-ringed octopus to larger creatures such as leopard sharks and manta rays. While there are over 30 islands here, Derawan and Maratua are the main ones for diving, where you’ll find a handful of accommodation and dive centres. For a unique and unforgettable experience, be sure to visit the lake on Kakaban Island where you can swim with millions of stingless jellyfish.


7. Nusa Penida

One of the three islands off Bali’s southeast coast, Nusa Penida is home to some of Bali’s best diving. As well as beautiful coral gardens and schools of fish, the island is known for having manta rays all year round and huge mola-mola (oceanic sunfish) between July and October. There are over 20 dive sites around Nusa Penida, including Crystal Bay, Manta Point, Toya Pakeh and Gamat Bay. Although some sites are suitable for beginners, the majority of them have strong and unpredictable currents and are better suited for more experienced divers. While there are plenty of dive operators based in Bali that offer trips to Nusa Penida, it’s worth staying on the island itself. When you’re not diving, be sure to visit beauty spots like Diamond Beach and Angel’s Billabong. 

Explore Indonesia

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