1. Yangshuo

Best for mountains
Rent a bike and take in the stunning countryside and the unforgettable karst peaks in the beautiful Guangxi region
The jagged peaks of Guangxi that stab their way skyward from a base of picturesque rivers and rice paddies are one of the most remarkable natural wonders in a country strewn with them. Urban hubs such as Guilin and Yangshuo are predictably packed with tourists during peak months, but it’s possible to shake the hordes who flock to the area and witness stunning rural landscapes in relative peace.
One of our favourite ways to escape the tourist melee is to hire a bike (around $38 per day) and head out into the surrounding countryside. Most places that rent wheels (there’s an abundance of cafés and hostels offering the service in Yangshuo) will also offer maps of the area with well-worn cycle routes zigzagging around the region.
Really, it’s hard to make a wrong turn given that you’ll find pleasant villages, dramatic countryside and photo opportunities galore in any direction you choose to take.
Essential info
Return flights to Guilin with Dragonair (dragonair.com) start from $2,592 (inc tax). From Guilin, the best way to get to Yangshuo is by boat (see ‘Follow the money’ for details). To maintain your distance from the tour groups, we recommend staying at the Yangshuo Mountain Retreat (rooms from $500; yangshuomountainretreat.com). Situated on a bank of the river, this peaceful eco hotel was founded by American Chris Barclay and is staffed entirely by local villagers. In addition to organising tours, rock climbing and cookery classes, the hotel rents bikes and, if the weather turns nasty, you can always unwind in front of the open log fire in the main communal lounge.