Time Out
Time Out

Why we changed our logo to Time In – but only for now

We're offering you a new way to experience the city in the comfort of your home.

Tatum Ancheta

Dear Hong Kong,

We love our city, and we love going out to find the best it has to offer. Unfortunately, due to the spread of coronavirus, stringent social distancing measures have been enforced in our city, and a lot of our favourite venues are temporarily closed. So, for a little while, we won't always be your Time Out; sometimes, we will be your Time In—just like our Time Out friends in other cities around the world.

Until we can all meet again to savour a cocktail, sink a pint, or visit our favourite establishments, we're offering you an alternative way to experience the city in the comfort of your home. We're still going to keep you informed about various happenings in the city, but we're also going to keep you entertained whether you're staying in or working from home.

We will also continue to champion our favourite neighbourhood businesses all over the city and help them the best way we can. If you have stuff happening and you want people to know about it, please let us know at info.hk@timeout.com. We'll help in any way we can. 

Our community, the Hongkongers, and businesses that make this city amazing will get through this, together. Let's stay positive, help each other, be kind to one another, and hope for the best. Stay safe, everyone! 

Tatum Ancheta
Editor-in-Chief, Time Out Hong Kong 

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