Year of Snake 2025 zodiac fortune predictions Mak Lingling
Illustration: Mak Lingling / Time Out Hong Kong
Illustration: Mak Lingling / Time Out Hong Kong

Year of the Snake 2025: Fortune predictions for your Chinese zodiac sign

Fortune telling master Mak Lingling is here with the low-down for the new lunar year

Catharina Cheung

One of our favourite things to do at the beginning of every Chinese New Year is to check our fortunes for the year ahead. Bookstores, newsstands, and even convenience stores will be selling almanacs that predict how the year will look for individuals – look out for bright red tomes, usually featuring a sage-looking Asian with arms akimbo – but these books can be hard to peruse, especially if you don’t know Chinese.

Fret not, we’ve asked fortune telling and feng shui master Mak Lingling to break down the fortunes of each zodiac sign for us. Read on to find out what lies in store for you in the Year of the Snake!


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2025 predictions by your Chinese zodiac sign

Snake zodiac signs

Years of birth: 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013, 2025

The zodiac corresponding to each year’s animal is always in opposition to the Tai Sui star, which means there’s some relatively bad energy awaiting Snakes this year. This might be a bit of a turbulent year, with hardships such as romantic relationships being put to the test. Luckily, there are also some fortuitous stars shining on Snakes, so even though you may not encounter many opportunities for career progression, chances are colleagues will recognise your efforts in the workplace. Trust that though the journey may be rough, things will have a way of working out in the end.

Snakes might also run into troubles with money, injuries, or water-related dangers – those who drive or work with machinery should be extra careful, and stay away from high-risk water sports unless you’re with a professional! In general, just keep your head down, be cautious, and you should get through this year peacefully.

What you can do: If there’s a year to invest in health or travel insurance, it’s probably this one. To ward off bad moods, make an effort to meet friends more, connect with nature, and get some exercise. Auspicious events such as weddings, new births, property purchases, or setting up businesses will also give your luck a much-needed boost this year.

Lucky ornaments: Chicken- or cow-shaped accessories

Horse zodiac signs

Years of birth: 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014

There’s a Chinese saying “the snake entangles the legs of the horse” – Horses are likely to encounter some stumbling blocks this year. Luckily, the presence of the sun in this zodiac hints at male helping hands, so if you’re a business owner it’s worth targeting male customers; if your work managers are men, it’s worth forging stronger connections as they can aid your journey this year. Single female Horses will find their personal charm enhanced and love life improved, while prospects for education and passing exams for all genders are also increased. Creativity can also be unleashed this year, which is great news for those working in films, writing, advertising, and the like. 

That said, you might encounter issues in interpersonal relationships, running the risk of getting on people’s bad side due to lack of communication or being too ostentatious. Horses might also see health issues cropping up towards the end of the year, but overall, the Year of the Snake is pretty auspicious.

What you can do: The Year of the Horse is coming next, which means opposition to the Tai Sui star and therefore diminished fortune. Horses should start preparing for this in the third and fourth quarter of 2025, and be cautious during this year.

Lucky ornaments: For enhanced mental clarity and creativity, place olivine or aventurine in your living space


Goat zodiac signs

Years of birth: 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015

This is looking to be a pretty steady year for Goats with no big highs and lows, but because there aren’t many auspicious stars shining on this sign either, you won’t really find helping hands in careers or monetary fortune – basically Goats will have to hack it by themselves. However, this is a good year for Goats in the arts, who will find their creative juices flowing. But there’s a sense of solitude in the stars, which means it’s going to be especially tough for those who work in customer-facing jobs or roles where you interact with people a lot. Those in relationships might find passions starting to simmer down, while single Goats will find it harder to date.

The Year of the Snake also spells trouble from women, so it’s best not to engage in anything money-related with female friends and family. Keep things low-key when dealing with people and avoid being caught in the middle of disputes, even if you want to smooth things over. Overall, keep interpersonal relationships peaceful, don’t stir the pot, and avoid getting too invested in money gained from side hustles or alternative avenues like gambling.

What you can do: This is a good year for moving or getting married. If these are too daunting, you can consider renovating your home, or changing often used pieces of furniture like the bed or the sofa to bring in fresh energy.

Lucky ornaments: Amethyst will bring more helping hands and monetary fortune, while rose quartz bracelets can enhance relationships

Monkey zodiac signs

Years of birth: 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016

It looks like this will be an unpredictable year for Monkeys with unexpected goods and bads. You might well find new collaboration opportunities easily, but while the beginning of these ventures go smoothly, the road is likely to turn bumpy further down the line – that said, things do work out in the end with the aid of helping hands, so stay positive. Monkeys will also find a good amount of support this year, particularly from elders and older women. Business owners should target female customers, so if you’re in women’s fashion, jewellery, beauty, and the like, then your business will bloom this year. 

Monkeys will find love and support from elders in the Year of the Snake, but when it comes to peers, there’s more chance of conflicts, so try to keep relationships placated. There might also be problems with people and money, so be more low-key and keep clear financial records. Additionally, male Monkeys might find it especially difficult to communicate with their partners, so put more effort into nurturing relationships. Overall, it’s best to avoid making life-changing decisions or big investments this year.

What you can do: Make plans to renovate or even move house, as this can change fortunes around.

Lucky ornaments: Have rat- or dragon-shaped accessories on yourself, or place an amethyst geode in your work space


Rooster zodiac signs

Years of birth: 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017

This year’s overall fortune for Roosters are likely to go in polar opposites; about 70 percent of you will find it smooth sailing, while the other 30 percent will experience a turbulent year. If you’ve had auspicious events like weddings, birth, or property purchases last year, good energy will likely follow you into the Year of the Snake. Lucky stars are shining on Roosters’ careers and there will be opportunities to flex your leadership skills – this rings especially true for those employed in disciplinary services such as police staff, firefighters, and customs officials, or for managerial positions within large corporations. Aside from careers, relationships and monetary fortunes will also be on the rise, and you might find opportunities to move houses and workplaces, as well as travel more for both leisure and work.

On the flip side, Roosters will find it harder to trust people this year and will generally hold more suspicion towards family, business partners, and colleagues. Those with partners will need to make extra efforts to communicate and be honest with each other. There’s also the chance of legal trouble, so make sure you take care when handling taxes, customs, contracts, and similar documents.

What you can do: Roosters should seek out, partner with, or get support from Oxen for a boost in luck

Lucky ornaments: Obsidian placed in the home will boost positive energy and mood

Dog zodiac signs

Years of birth: 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018

Similarly to Roosters, Dogs may find their experiences this year going to either extreme. Auspicious events like weddings, births, property purchases, or setting up businesses can help to soften the cosmic blow, otherwise you might find yourself going through changes in the family, friction at work, or breaking points in relationships. Luckily, things will become more steady and get back on track later in the year. Office workers will have the opportunity to impress managers with their work performance, while those working in people-related industries like trade, frontline sales, agencies, or customer service will find support from their clients. Things will go particularly well for Dogs working in government departments, managerial roles in large corporations, or martial-related jobs.

It will also be a year of romance for Dogs – if you recently became single in the Year of the Dragon, then this year you might look forward to meeting a suitable partner. Once sparks are lit, things are likely to progress quickly; there’s even the possibility of a shotgun wedding. That said, all this enhanced rizz means married or committed Dogs will have to resist temptation and avoid becoming overly close with people who are not your partner. Despite ups and downs, this is a great year for Dogs to turn on turbo mode, tap into your network of contacts, and achieve new heights at work.

What you can do: Donate to charitable causes or treat yourself to a little shopping – small expenditures of your own volition can negate a larger, unexpected loss of money

Lucky ornaments: A jade seal ornament can further boost work prowess


Pig zodiac signs

Years of birth: 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019

A clash in the stars means Pigs should be prepared to face some turbulence this year. These may manifest at work, in relationships, or in the family. Unmarried Pigs in relationships should be wary of possibly breaking up; middle-aged Pigs might experience sudden work-related changes; and elderly Pigs should take special care of their health. Auspicious events like weddings, births, property purchases, or setting up businesses can negate some of this bad energy. Work-related movement is very suited to Pigs this year, whether it be breaking into overseas markets, taking on more work trips, moving abroad for career progression, or changing jobs.

Since Pigs are likely to offend people more easily this year, it’s good to be mindful of your words. The Year of the Snake also brings a loss of money, so look out for unexpected expenditures. Pigs are also more prone to injuries and illnesses, but revamping your home, getting broken things repaired, or buying new large pieces of furniture will change your luck around when it comes to health. Overall, you should adopt a more patient mindset and not set your sights too high this year.

What you can do: Donate blood or go to the dentist – a minor, voluntary ‘loss of blood’ means you’re fending off more serious injuries 

Lucky ornaments: Rabbit- or goat-shaped accessories

Rat zodiac signs

Years of birth: 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020

A congregation of lucky stars makes the Year of the Snake a great one for Rats, who will find stable fortune, monetary success, and helping hands this year. It is likely that some will experience an influx of good fortune but the next year is an inauspicious one for Rats, so take care not to get too swept up in the successes, because the higher you rise, the more you’ll have to fall. You’ll have opportunities for pay rises and your financial luck is looking good – additionally, there might be an influential person who will aid you on your journey, so foster good connections within your network.

However high the highs, the lows are also quite low this year – especially when it comes to money matters – so save for the rainy days. Rats will also be susceptible to minor accidents or scares while travelling, so beware of weather-related issues, problems with luggages, flight delays, and loss of property. In the latter half of the year, Rats should start preparing for a relatively negative year ahead; good ideas include getting medical checks to catch potential health issues or cashing out investments before they run over into the Year of Horse. 

What you can do: If you want to get married, have children, buy property, or do big renovations, plan – but don’t do – them during the Year of the Snake, so when the next year comes around, you can use these auspicious events to boost your luck instead

Lucky ornaments: A citrine bracelet will help you hold onto wealth


Ox zodiac signs

Years of birth: 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021

This is a good year for interpersonal relationships for Oxen, with opportunities for collaborations and partnerships on the cards. You’ll also find an unceasing flow of creativity, so those in artistic fields such as artists, filmmakers, producers, and musicians will find much inspiration for their craft. But there’s also some loneliness in the stars and Oxen will be rather in their own bubbles this year, so those in customer service, agencies, sales, or similar jobs might find it more difficult to connect with clients, needing to hack it alone with twice as much effort for results. This is also not a great time for love, and those with partners might find communication difficult, with no real progression in the relationship.

A cluster of unlucky stars in this sign means Oxen should be wary of sustaining injuries, minor traffic-related scrapes, and getting hurt by animals – don’t go around petting unfamiliar dogs! You might also encounter problems with women being unreasonable, so if your work superior is a woman or if you work in female-centric fields, you’ll need to exercise extra patience. 

What you can do: Oxen might be capable of hauling themselves up by their own bootstraps, but don’t be afraid to ask for help in the face of hardships

Lucky ornaments: Rose quartz in the workplace will enhance interpersonal relations, while smoky quartz accessories will lessen the impact of clashes with people

Tiger zodiac signs

Years of birth: 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022

The presence of both lucky and malignant stars spells an unstable year for Tigers. Look out for backstabbers and health issues, and try to mitigate the negative energy with auspicious events like weddings, births, property purchases, or setting up businesses. Otherwise, prepare for stumbling blocks in your path by setting lower expectations and changing your own attitude. 

Tigers might also be more susceptible to joint injuries, particularly in the waist, knees, and feet – if you have old injuries, it’s best to stay away from high-impact activities. Luckily, there are plenty of people who can help and support you this year, and though the journey may be trying, things will have a way of working out in the end.

What you can do: Take opportunities to travel for work or leisure; absorbing energy from different places can turn your fortune around

Lucky ornaments: Horse- or dog-shaped accessories


Rabbit zodiac signs

Years of birth: 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023

The Year of the Snake is for Rabbits to get ahead in their careers, while monetary fortunes, relationships, and health will see slight improvements. White-collar workers, especially those employed in government departments or large organisations, might well get opportunities for promotions or pay rises. However, this luck does not translate the same for businessmen, who will need to be more humble, put themselves into the shoes of their employees, and get involved in the work as well. If you have the opportunity to take work-related courses or certifications, this is a great year to prove yourself and strive for career progression.

Travel might be a little perilous for Rabbits this year, so be wary of minor accidents, travel delays, and loss of property – also, stay away from high-risk activities such as rock climbing, coasteering, and skiing. Luckily, this sign has left the negative influence of Tai Shui opposition, which means better interpersonal relationships, better luck, and somewhat increased monetary fortune. 

What you can do: Seize the opportunity to present yourself favourably at work, and your career will be on the upward trajectory

Lucky ornaments: A Wenchang tower ornament will boost fortunes, while obsidian will increase positive energy

Dragon zodiac signs

Years of birth: 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024

After experiencing the turbulence of their own zodiac year in 2024, the Year of the Snake will prove to be a calm one for Dragons. Moods will be more positive and uplifted, and there might also be the possibility of getting married or having children – the latter is especially true for married Dragons. For single Dragons, this year is a fresh start for relationships and you’ll find it easy to meet a suitable partner, with the relationship progressing rapidly. In fact, there’s even the possibility of a shotgun wedding or expecting a child. There will also be more opportunities to attend weddings, birthday banquets, baby’s full moon celebrations, and other such events, which will increase auspicious energy for you.

However, Dragons will also be more susceptible to minor illnesses this year, as well as stress from being in unfamiliar territory. If you’re in a relatively new job, anxiety might also affect the quality of your sleep, so take up healthy lifestyle habits and find ways to relieve stress. Female Dragons might also feel neglected because of their partner’s job or feel misunderstood, so express yourself honestly, engage in mutual interests, and take short trips together to stay healthy in your relationship. 

What you can do: This would be a good time to invest in your health and wellbeing, both physically and mentally

Lucky ornaments: Placing clear quartz in the workplace can calm heightened emotions and relieve stress

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