What did Hongkongers Google this year?

We’ve got official numbers, people


Ah Google – unjudgmental teacher and time-waster, how we love you. And now, the official search numbers are in so we can see in – in embarassingly thorough detail – just what we've been searching for in 2017. Click the below tabs to see eight different lists and prepare to be surprised, shocked, confused and also not suprised. 

Most trending keyword

10. 易鑫 Yixin Group

China's largest online car retailer made a splash by gaining as much as 32 percent on its Hong Kong trading debut back in November.

9. 超時空男臣 A General, a Scholar and a Eunuch

TVB drama. It involves time-travel, obviously, because that's the surefire way to land a hit. 


8. 射鵰英雄傳 2017 The Legend of the Condor Heroes

Based on the famous Chinese novel of the same name, this Mainland drama tries its best to adapt the monumental martial arts fantasy saga.

7. 鬼怪 – 孤單又燦爛的神 Guardian: The Lonely and Great God

The second highest-rated drama in cable television history. It involves the grim reaper and his landlord. We’re not prepared to say anything else.


6. 使徒行者 2 Line Walker The Prelude

The prequel to Line Walker. Don’t say we’re not informative.

5. 反黑 OCTB

A 30-episode web drama broadcast on YouTube that follows an undercover cop who rejoins the criminal underworld for one last mission. Classic set-up. 


4. iPhone X

The newest iPhone until the next iPhone. 

3. 不懂撒嬌的女人 My Unfair Lady (TVB drama)

TVB drama with a terrible name. See what they did? My Fair Lady... My Unfair Lady. Crap. 


2. iPhone 8

The other newest iPhone until the next other newest iPhone.

1. 降魔的 The Exorcists Meter (TVB drama)

This is more like it – look how menacing that taxi’s headlights are. Possibly the TVB drama with the greatest premise ever: a taxi driver takes a piss break, awakening a kind-hearted spirit. ’nuff said.

Most trending locals in current affairs

10. 陳美齡 Agnes Meiling Kaneko Chan

Former singer and TV personality who was rumoured to be joining Carrie Lam's cabinet as secretary for education.

9. 胡國興 Woo Kwok-hing

Retired judge who failed in a bid to become Chief Executive earlier in the year.


8. 楊文蔚 Cecilia Yeung

Professional high-jumper and model who has become one of Hong Kong's biggest stars.

7. Seasun

An enigma of a lady who was famously quoted as saying something along the lines of: “I can't orgasm in an apartment smaller than 2,000 square feet.” 


6. 何志平 Patrick Ho Chi Ping

Former secretary for home affairs embroiled in an alleged multimillion-dollar bribery scheme between a top Chinese energy firm and two African leaders.

5. 曾俊華 John Tsang

Runner-up in Chief Executive election. 


4. 林鄭月娥 Carrie Lam

The big cheese herself.

3. 曾蔭權 Donald Tsang

Disgraced ex-Chief Executive currently dealing with being found out as corrupt during his time in office.


2. 林子健 Howard Lam Tsz Kin

Democracy activist who faked being tortured by the powers that be by stapling his own legs.

1. 曹星如 Rex Tso

Professional boxer and one of our SAR’s great sporting heroes.

Most trending local news

10. PopVote

A public opinion programme that covers, “Small-scale e-polling projects for specific groups or organizations, mid-scale e-polling projects for specific communities or sectors, and large-scale civil referendums for the general public.”

9. 星如比賽 Rex Tso’s match

The Rex Tso versus Kohei Kono bout was big news. Tso emerged victorious but in somewhat controversial circumstance.


8. DSE 放榜 2017

Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education. Panicking parents and stressed students racking up this search's numbers. 

7. 帕卡 Tropical Storm Pakhar

Along with Typhoon Hato, Pakhar caused plenty of trouble for lots of people across southern Asia.


6. 美食車 Food truck

The lacklustre government scheme that’s trying to introduce food trucks to Hong Kong.  

5. 施政報告 Policy Address

Carrie Lam's first since she took office drew plenty attention.


4. 藍鯨遊戲 Blue Whale

The macabre social game that originated in Russia encourages people to self-harm in incrimentally more extreme ways, ending in suicide. 

3. 興德學校 Hing Tak School

The Tuen Mun school made headlines as it was accused of exagerating the number of pupils that attended the school in order to avoid budget cuts. 


2. 特首選舉 Chief Executive election

Pretty big news we'd say. 

1. 天鴿 Typhoon Hato

Annoying typhoon that caused mild chaos. 

Most trending movies

10. 軍艦島 The Battleship Island

Korean film set during the Japanese occupation-era that tells the story of a daring prison escape from a forced labour camp.

9. 貓特攻隊 Bad Genius

A Thai heist thriller. 


8. 春嬌救志明 Love Off the Cuff (HK film)

The last in the trilogy documentating the ups and downs of Cherie and Jimmy's relationship.

7. 盧根 Logan

Hugh Jackman's final portrayel of Wolverine took on a pleasingly dark tone that resonated well with audiences and critics alike.


6. 正義聯盟 Justice League

A superhero film.

5. 鄧寇克大行動 Dunkirk

Christopher Nolan's WWII epic.


4. 星聲夢裡人 La La Land

Hollywood writes about Hollywood.

3. 神奇女俠 Wonder Woman

A superhero film.


2. 一念無明 Mad World

Affecting Hong Kong drama that tells the story of a bipolar man who is tasked with looking after his father.

1. 美女與野獸 Beauty and the Beast

The live action retelling of the classic Disney animation.

Most trending slang searches

10. FYI

For your information.

9. Freestyle

Could really relate to anything that has improvisational element to it.


8. A0

Either people are really interested in paper sizes or it’s referring to college code for romantic availabily. Specifically, A0 means that the person in question has never been in a relationship.

7. Emoji

That thing that's replacing communication.


6. GG (good game)

Gamer-speak that comes at the end of a round or can be used maliciously when you do something crap in a game.

4. 係愛呀哈利 It's love, Harry!

Weird one, this. Basically, it comes a from a scene in the first Harry Potter film where Dumbledore explains why Harry avoided a sticky end when Voldemort tried to kill him as a baby. The explanation offered is that Potter's mum's love protected him, the line being: "It's love, Harry". Translating this into Cantonese changes the sentiment of the line though making the dialogue a subject of ridicule. 


5. 777

The number of votes Carrie Lam recieved to clinch the hot seat.

3. LOL

Laugh out loud.


2. DQ (disqualify)


1. KOL

Key opinion leader. Generally used in reference to influencers such as Youtubers and Instagrammers.

Most trending recipes

10. 雞煲 chicken clay pot

9. 秋葵 okra


8. 芋圓 taro

7. 蛋糕 cake


6. 冬瓜 winter melon

5. 蘿蔔糕 簡易 turnip cake simple


4. 海參 sea cucumber

3. 牛油果 avocado


2. 茄子 eggplant

1. 羊腩煲 mutton and beancurd in ceramic pot

Most trending keywords for Chinese translation

10. Occupation

9. RIP

Rest in peace.


8. Weird

7. Status


6. Resume

That thing you give to potential employers where you write down all the great things you've done.

5. Chill


4. First name

3. Indeed


2. Despacito

The outrageously popular song about having sex slowly.

1. Rooster

Most trending keyword searches for English translation

10. 清明節

Ching Ming Festival

9. 重視

A phrase to describe how important one is to you.


8. 加油

A slang term in Cantonese meaning sending strength and thoughts to someone. Literally, it means 'add oil'.

7. 年宵

CNY night market.


6. 團年飯

Year-end Family Dinner.

5. 年糕

Glutinous rice cake.


4. 蘿蔔糕

Turnip cake.

3. 恭喜發財

Kung Hei Fat Choy. For all intents and purposes, 'Happy New Year'.


2. 雞年

Year of the Rooster.

1. 中秋節

Mid-autumn festival.

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