TakeOut Comedy presents a live standup comedy event featuring international headliner Sean Hebert! Set to take place on the evenings of March 1 and 2, this special occasion marks the recording of Sean's first full-length comedy album, The Trashpacker. Drawing from his extensive experience as a touring headliner across 15 countries, Sean infuses his act with unforgettable stories, eccentric asides, and hard-earned wisdom gleaned from his nearly two-decade-long backpacking adventure.
Audiences can expect an evening brimming with laughter and entertainment as Sean captivates the Hong Kong crowd with his humorous anecdotes. Supporting acts include Garron Chiu, Ryan Hynek, Mahesh Mansigani, and others. Tickets are $250 if you get them now at takeoutcomedy.net, or $300 at the door.