From Barbie, The Super Mario Bros. and Top Gun to Indiana Jones, the film industry seems to be recycling ideas from the past. Undoubtedly, you may have recently found yourself indulging in reruns of Friends or Gossip Girl on Netflix, streaming Apple TV's captivating retelling of the Beanie Baby and Tetris phenomenon, or perhaps enjoying some 90s music on repeat on your Spotify playlist. In Hong Kong, even McDonald’s is tugging into childhood favourites with an expansive exhibition of Team McNuggets in the West Kowloon Cultural District. Nostalgia has taken pop culture, and we’re all in for it. As different industries emerge from the shadows of the pandemic, it appears that our focus has shifted towards the influences of the past.
We've chatted with experts from various industries in Hong Kong to explore the city's current obsession with all things vintage and nostalgic. So grab your scrunchies, dust off your Walkmans, and join us as we explore the booming nostalgia trend in Hong Kong today.
RECOMMENDED: Visit this link for more doses of nostalgia and discover what we’ve cooked up for you this month.