1. Bootleg DVD/CD Stores

In the days before streaming and simultaneous releases, piracy was pretty common in Hong Kong. After all, how the hell else were you going to get your hands on the latest overseas TV shows, movies, and music? Lord knows you weren’t ever going to fork over hundreds of dollars for copies from HMV like some sort of chump. These stores were absolute godsends back then, offering up popular media from around the world for dirt cheap. Although the quality of the products was often dubious, it was hard to argue with those prices. There was nothing quite like the feeling of those flimsy cardboard DVD cases in your hands.
Years of crackdowns on piracy by the authorities (remember this iconic pre-movie ad?), alongside the rise of streaming platforms like Spotify, Netflix, and iQiYi have long rendered these shops obsolete, which explains why they’re becoming increasingly uncommon. The few remaining ones now sell (mostly) official discs at fair prices, making them great places to legally pick up older media that aren't readily available online.