
One of Hong Kong’s biggest retail landlords is taking the pressure off tenants by waiving rent for companies impacted by the stringent restrictions. Swire will access retail rental partners on a case-by-case basis and provide rental relief through this challenging time. So far, the government has announced that bars, beauty and wellness centres, gyms and such will be forced into a mandated closure until at least by March 23, pending further review confirmed positive Covid cases. Swire is also offering up 7,000 to 10,000 hotel rooms or the community for isolation, including Novotel Citygate Hotel. The property giant is also donating 20,000 rapid testing kits to children in special residential childcare services to help facilitate the tracking of the virus. A while back, Swire also held a lucky draw with prizes valued at $5 million to promote vaccination.
“In addition to offering some of our premises as quarantine and community isolation facilities, as well as vaccination and testing centres, we are continuing our collaborative approach with our tenant partners during these challenging times,” says Swire Properties' CEO, Tim Blackburn.