Hong Kong drinking games

Want to get the party started? Ira Ovitar risks her liver to give us the lowdown on the classic drinking games you'll find around town



What you need: 12 (6 each) party cups, ice-cold beers, 4 Ping-Pong balls, a long rectangular table 

Objective: To throw the ping-pong balls into all of the opposing team's cups. The first team to successfully do so wins. 

Setup: Place a set of 6 or 10 in a triangular formation, with one set at either end of the table. The tip of the triangle should face the centre of the table. Half fill each cup with beer. 

1. Split into two teams. 
2. Each team takes turns trying to throw a ping pong ball into the cup. Each team is entitled to two throws each round. 
3. If the ball makes it into the cup, a player on the opposing team must drink the cup of beer the ball landed in. 
4. Remove that cup from the game.

Where to play:

Billidart 8/F, Kwan Chart Tower, 6 Tonnochy Rd, Wan Chai, 2144 3000;billidart.com. A casual American-style bar, these Beer Pong specialists also have pool tables and other games aplenty. 
Joe's Billiards & Bar 11-12/F, 1 Knutsford Terrace, Tsim Sha Tsui, 3188 1010; joesbilliards.com. Though the multitudes of pool tables are present here, they also have beer pong one on the second floor. 
Play 1/F, On Hing Bldg, 1 On Hing Terrace, Central; playclub.asia. If Not just for big name DJs - there's beer pong in the club's private rooms, too.


What you need: Darts, dartboard, drinks of your choice 

Objective: To reach 0 points. To make others drink. And to avoid drinking yourself.

1. Each player starts with 301 points. 
2. Play darts as you normally would: deducting points from 301 to get to zero. You get three darts per round. 
3. There are additional drinking rules corresponding to certain items. If you hit: 
- Black, you drink two 
- White, you drink nothing 
- The wall, you drink four 
- The number thirteen, you drink five
- A Double (outside ring), your opponent drinks three 
- A Triple (inside ring), your opponent drinks four 
- Bull's Eye, your opponent drinks five 
- The number seven, your opponent drinks seven 
- A Double Bull's Eye, your opponent drinks 10

Where to play:

Racks MDB 2/F, Winning Centre, 46-48 Wyndham St, Central, 2868 0400;racksmdb.com. Recently moved, Racks emulates NY's coolest casual billiards and darts bars, with the cool kids in tow. 
Velvet 3/F, The Phoenix, 23 Luard Rd, Wan Chai, 2527 0988,clubvelvet.com.hk. A comfortable, loungy games hall, with a series of dart machines. 
iDarts Club 2/F, Katherine House, 53-55 Chatham Rd. S, Tsim Sha Tsui;idartsgroup.com. The popular chain even supports a darts league.


What to you need: A cup for each player, with five dice in each cup. 

Objective: To not get caught lying!

1. Everybody places their dice in the cup, turns it over and shakes the dice inside. 
2. After stopping shaking, everyone peeks inside to see their dice. Don't let the other players see your numbers! 
3. The first player calls out how many of a certain dice number is facing up among everyone's dice. For example, calling out 'two fours' means the player thinks that there are at least two dice with the number four facing up among all the players' dice, including his or hers. (PS: It doesn't matter if there really isn't two fours in the round, lying - as the name of the game suggest - is encouraged!) 
4. The next person (sitting clockwise) then has two options: to call out a number that is of a higher sum than the previous number (such as 'two fives', 'three fours' etc) or to call the previous person out on their call. 
5. If one player believes that the caller is bluffing, then everybody must reveal their dice. So for example if the caller calls out 'two fours' and there is indeed two or more dice with fours facing up, the player who called him or her out must drink a shot. If the caller indeed is caught lying, the caller must drink. 

Additional rules: Ones are wild! 

Where to play:

Alabar G/F, 38 King Kwong St, Happy Valley; 2838 0533. A local haunt that's a bar classier than most other bars which have dice games. 
M1 Bar and Lounge G/F & 1/F, Hart Avenue Plaza, 5-9 Hart Ave, Tsim Sha Tsui; m1bar.com. Expansive, dark and sleek, shake up the dice to the live cover band. 
CD Bar 415-421 Jaffe Rd, Wan Chai; 2667 8833. Big open doors and high tables make this less dingy than your average dice bar haunt.

5, 10, 15

What you need: Two players, hands, counting skills, and drinks 

Objective: To guess the correct amount of fingers shown twice in a row.

1. Two players face each other and with fingers in a fist. 
2. One person shouts out 5, 10, 15 or 20. This corresponds to their guess as to how many fingers will be shown between the two players. 
3. Each player has the option of showing 0 (two fists), 5 (five fingers, one fist) or 10 (10 fingers). 
3. At the same time as the player shouts, both players need to 0, 5 or 10. 
4. If the total sum of the fingers equal the same number that the player calls out, the player gets to call out again. 
5. If the total sum does not equal, the second player gets to call out. 
6. If the player calls out twice and gets the total sum to equal the fingers both times, then the other player must drink. 

Where to play: Anywhere and everywhere. Play it right now!

Time Out advocates responsible drinking, as does Mr. Daniel Sjogren, managing director of Carlsberg Hong Kong Ltd and Chairman of Hong Kong Forum of Responsible Drinking (FReD) has a few wise words to share:

For us at the Hong Kong Forum for Responsible Drinking, promoting responsible drinking by educating about the risks of drink driving, prenatal alcohol consumption and underage drinking.

Individuals should seek to better understand alcohol's impact on the body to help them make more informed drinking choices, such as following recommend limits on alcohol consumption or only drinking on a full stomach.

They should set a target for how much they are comfortable drinking. Sticking to this number can help individuals pace themselves. Planning transportation home ahead of going out for drinks also helps cut down the incidence of drunk driving.

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