The hospitality industry has a major impact on the global ecosystem, and as the industry grows and emerges from the pandemic, it plays a critical role in driving a sustainable future through implementing sustainability measures. From July 5 to 8, 2022, GREEN Hospitality invites everyone to be part of the GREEN Conference 2022 – Hospitality Agenda 2030, a comprehensive four-day programme happening online and in-person at Eaton Club Central. With grant support from the Innovation and Technology Fund and sponsorship of InvestHK, the event aims to create a roadmap for the green recovery of the tourism and hospitality industries in Hong Kong by facilitating cross-sector collaboration, knowledge exchange, and technology and innovation. Guests can participate in the programme and gain insights from over 40 speakers and 300 leaders and experts from various industries, including academia, government, and civil society, as well as innovators and entrepreneurs on food technology, textile innovation, employment and empowerment, sustainable tourism and events, net-zero and green buildings, and waste management and circularity.
Online tickets start at $150, and in-person entry starts at $250. For more information about the event programme, visit
*Disclaimer: Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material/event (or by members of the project team) do not reflect the views of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, the Innovation and Technology Commission or the General Support Programme Vetting Committee of