In this day and age, when artisanship is continually replaced by faceless machines, the search for anything handcrafted gets more challenging by the year. One Hong Kong jewellery designer, though, continues to believe in the power of pieces made by skilled human hands. A true connoisseur of gemstones, Tayma Page Allies always had a flair for making jewellery out of semi-precious stones. Over her 25- plus years in the industry, Allies has designed an array of vibrant-yet-modest pieces. Luminous and timeless, Allies’ creations are hidden gems that glow amid our concrete jungle.
Born in Malta, Allies first set foot in Hong Kong in 1985 when she was on a trip for her job at the time. She liked it here so much that she decided to embark on a journey that would lead her to set up shop. She recalls: “Back in the day, there wasn’t much variety in terms of the jewellery that Hong Kong offered. So I started making jewellery that I liked. And then I found that a lot of people wanted beautiful everyday jewellery. My friends would ask me to design for them – it started organically.” Allies’ love for all things precious is evident throughout her practice. “I’m a collector,” she says, “and collectors are always looking for the unusual, the rare, the collectible. It’s just what appeals to you and your passion. It’s what makes your heart skip a beat.”
The long-time collector plans on sharing a piece of her life by launching her 25-year collection later this year. “It’s my curation,” she says. “It’s my eye. And although people may question why they should buy from me, I say what I have is different. This is my personal collection from my travels over the years. I know every single piece.” Allies aspires to have her jewellery become ‘tokens of love’ for families over generations. “That’s why my jewellery is made with love and care,” she says. “I want people to treasure what they have and pass it on. I know from my own family that jewellery is very personal, special and precious. It’s something that makes you think of somebody – it’s sentimental.” Some say that diamonds are forever but Allies knows that the right gemstones last even longer.
For Allies, jewellery isn’t just about the glitz and the glamour, though. For her, it’s an empowering manifestation of individuality and personality. “You have to stay true,” she affirms. Many people are on a journey to discover the secret to living life in colour – and, for Allies, the secret lies within her glittering gemstone creations.
Tayma Fine Jewellery Shop 109, 1/F, Landmark Prince’s Bldg, 10 Chater Rd, Central, 2525 5280;