
You can now play Cards Against Humanity online for free

Sam Evans
Written by
Sam Evans

An online version of the (in)famous game Cards Against Humanity is now available online for all to play. The platform can host up to six players at a time, so message your friends because now there's a wickedly hilarious way to enjoy remotely playing together!

Self described as "a party game for horrible people who are as despicable and awkward as you and your friends," Cards Against Humanity has been a hit at parties and casual social gatherings for years. If you don't know the rules, it's simple. Each round, one player asks a question written on a black question card, and everyone else (holding pre-drawn white cards with random answers written on them) answers that question by passing a white card to the middle of the playing table. The person holding the black card then decides who wins the round with the funniest answer.

The new online version can be found by heading to and selecting Cards Against Humanity. Following this, share the unique game link with your friends to start playing.

Alternatively, if you’re lucky enough to be already with not-easily-offended loved ones, you buy the game or make your own set of cards by downloading them for free from the Cards Against Humanity website

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