
Trading stories: a fitting tribute

Written by
Sarah Moran
Hong Kong print spring issue tailoring 2020-03-10.jpg
Calvin Sit | |

Our brand-new Spring 2020 magazine is here, and in this issue we take a moment to appreciate the continuing legacies of three iconic Hong Kong industries.

After going to a traditional Shanghai-style barbershop and an old-school bing sutt, we now pay Central's W.W. Chan & Sons Tailors Ltd. a visit to talk about all things bespoke.

Hong Kong became synonymous with the sartorial arts in the mid 20th century, as China’s Communist Revolution led to the relocation of skilled Shanghainese tailors to our city. Since then, suit making has become interwoven into the very fabric of Hong Kong culture, changing with the times whilst retaining many of its traditional roots. In this video, we sit down with W.W. Chan & Sons' Patrick Chu and Arnold Wong, and the young entrepreneur behind Cuffs, Ian Fong, to chat about style and tailoring. 

To read more about this story, grab a copy of our latest magazine issue at these spots around town, or download the digital version here.

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