
Survey shows six in 10 Hongkongers are happy with their family life

People are more content than not, but this depends on their socio-demographic

Catharina Cheung
Written by
Catharina Cheung
Section Editor
Hong Kong family happiness
Photograph: Shutterstock | |

A survey conducted by the University of Hong Kong (HKU) and the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust shows that nearly six in 10 people in Hong Kong responded positively when asked about their family happiness. A pool of approximately 4,500 adults were surveyed via an online questionnaire, where they were asked to rate a series of indicators – one of which was family 幸福 (hang6 fuk1; hung fuk), a Chinese term that broadly encompasses a feeling of bliss, blessedness, and contentment. 

Professor Kelvin Wang from HKU notes that similar polls such as the United Nations’ World Happiness Report were unable to fully capture the notion of ‘hung fuk’ among Chinese people. He explains that in Western societies, people often pursue happiness on an individual level, whereas Chinese social customs traditionally hold the value of family “almost in a higher position than individual well-being”.

In the survey titled ‘Recovery from the pandemic: the perceived Family Xingfu, its associated factors and innovative family services’, 58 percent of respondents gave a mean score of seven or higher for this family happiness index, though the study did note that socioeconomic status played a significant role across different responses. Respondents with higher incomes, homeowners, and those aged 55 or older were generally more content with their lives. Wang says that being generous with praise – whether digitally or in person – the assurance of companionship, and making efforts to communicate are key factors in happiness at home.

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