
Now E is giving free access to their streaming platform

Enjoy over 9,000 hours of TV for nothing!

Sam Evans
Written by
Sam Evans

Now E is giving everyone two months free access to the online TV and movie streaming platform, unlocking over 9,000 hours of films and shows from all over Asia and the world. The two months of free access can be redeemed from now until June 8. Sign up for access by following these steps:

1. Go to and press the 'Get Started' button in the top right corner (note that you can change the language between Chinese and English at the bottom of the page).

2. Select 'Redeem' at the top of the page, and then enter your email and password to sign up for free. An email verification link will be sent to your inbox shortly after signing up. Click this to verify and create your account.

3. Go to the 'Redeem Promotion Code' page and type in promo code 'NowFree'.

4. Sit back and enjoy hours upon hours of free TV, from dramas, comedy, romance, sports and more from around the world!

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