
Look out for our new issue next week!

Written by
Douglas Parkes

Time Out Hong Kong’s new issue is out next Thursday and our cover feature will tell you 50 things to love about this city. Following the results of our City Index survey earlier in the year, in which most readers said if they could live anywhere in the world, they’d live here, we took to the streets to find out exactly what real Hongkongers love most about this place we call home.

Other highlights to look forward to include a look at the hottest street food snacks trending right now, an Art Month roundup, fun alternative workout methods and interviews with the people behind the scenes of the local film industry. 

Distribution is being staggered throughout the coming weeks, so don’t fret if you’re out of town on Thursday March 8. Our free magazine will be available throughout Hong Kong at MTR stations, cafés and restaurants, hotels, residential clubs and airport lounges. We’ll update you next week with a detailed list of locations so you don’t miss out.

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