In their own words: “So It Goes is a three-piece girl band based in Hong Kong with Emily on vocals and guitar, Emily on bass and Emily on drums. Besides from having the same first name, the three Emily’s have another thing in common: they are pessimistic optimists.” However, one thing that’s particularly uncommon about So It Goes is the quality of their first MV, When I Dream of Grapes Turning Blue. It’s incredibly accomplished for a first crack at being a visually abstract spectacle. And that’s before the addressing the song itself, which is, in our humble opinion, one of the finest local releases of the year – haunting, catchy, beguiling.
We’re waiting with baited, uh, ears for their second MV. If it’s anywhere near the quality of the first, then it will secure So It Goes’ reputation as one of Hong Kong’s most exciting musical prospects. We’ll be front and centre next month when the girls take to the stage at Wow and Flutter’s The Weekend festival. Do yourself a favour – check out the song and go see the band. You won’t regret it.