1. Come Drink With Me | 大醉俠 (1966)

One of the most innovative films in Hong Kong cinema history, Come Drink With Me can be credited with firing wuxia’s cinematic revival in the later 20th century. True, in Taiwan, King Hu would go on to direct more accomplished tales of swordplay such as the masterful A Touch of Zen and Dragon Inn, but this is where it started.
The main casting is superb. Cheng Pei Pei, as Golden Swallow, would improve as a screen fighter but, thanks to her training as a dancer, her movements are never less than slick and the withering looks she directs at her bandit foes establish her as the accomplished warrior she is. Opposite her, Chen Hung-lieh, as Jade Faced Tiger, delights in his villainy and almost effeminate manner. Beautifully composed and shot – the early restaurant scene is a joy to watch – 50 years on, Come Drink With Me remains almost unsurpassed.