Real talk: the US presidential election campaign has been a tough-fought slog - and that's just for those of us watching on from home. In a twist of good fortune though, it seems that the sole saving grace of this seemingly never-ending spectacle is taking place right here in Hong Kong on election night (that is, morning our time). The American Chambers of Commerce are hosting an election party at the offices of JLL Hong Kong with free Emack & Bolio's ice cream and breakfast smoothies for all in attendance. The event is open to all and is putting the 'free' in freedom, with no cover charge and open to all. Wolf Blitzer on big screens and free ice cream - what more could you ask?
The election party is taking place from 7am-3pm at JLL Hong Kong (6/F, Three Pacific Place, 1 Queens Rd East, Wan Chai). RSVPs are essential, so head here to register. Get on it, hombres.