They are ten a penny in Hong Kong, so we've rounded up the absolute worst of the city's most obnoxious number plates

1 God
There we all were, thinking that god wore gladiator sandals and helped the less fortunate. How wrong we were. He’s in a chauffer-driven Phantom complete with his own number plate. How could we have been so wrong? We thought that ‘SUCCESS’ was bad but really, ‘GOD’? This one’s got his head in the clouds, for sure.
2 Wealthy
Now who could be behind these wheels, an unassuming altruist who is wealthy in mind and spirit? Or an over paid city boy? Just a hunch, but we’re plumping for the latter. If anyone was in any doubt whether the owner has more money than sense, they’ve left no room for doubt now they’ve stamped ‘WEALTHY’ on to their car. We honestly can’t really think of anything worse. This driver takes top spot on the scale of nought to arrogant.
3 Success
Nothing like the sweet smell of arrogance spelled out on a personalised number plate for all to spot. We’re sensing the proud owner of this pricey piece of plastic is secretly lacking a little confidence, so stamped a reminder on his wheels to say, “You’ve come a long way, baby, keep up the good work.” Go for ‘WORK HARD’ next time – gives off the same message but with a more positive spin. Plus, people won’t think you’re quite as conceited.
4 Handsome
Wishful thinking, maybe? When we glimpsed the driver, handsome wasn’t the immediate adjective that sprung to mind – but then maybe he wasn’t the owner. But if you’re the proud possessor of a seriously heightened ego, why the hell not opt for a number plate to match your narcissism? Perhaps try selecting ‘VAIN’ next time. It’s a little more accurate.

5 Batman
Na na na na na na, Batman! Is the caped crusader back in town for the filming of the latest instalment? Sadly, no, this guy’s just a bit of a joker. No need for the tinted windows, we know Christian Bale’s not hidden away in there. This may be the car of one of Hong Kong’s richest men but unless he’s about to fight the forces of evil in HK, it’s a big ‘NA NA’ from us.
6 Topgun
Well, if you can’t afford a $300 million F-14 fighter jet, we suppose a Toyota is the next best thing. Replete with hi-fi system, air con and steering wheel, there’s not much to differentiate the two, we assume. The owner of these wheels is more likely a 40-year-old trying to hang on to his youth than an ace pilot.

7 Hung
We’re not sure if the proud owner of these wheels is the completely innocent Mr Hung, or perhaps a young gentleman who is, well, y’know… It’s likely that something got lost in translation here. We hope.

8 Skyfall
Okay, sure, there are worse offenders. But having the number plate ‘SKYFALL’ on an Aston Martin, and a DB5 at that, feels a bit obvious. Yes, we get it, it isthe car used in the film, but why advertise it? James Bond himself would hardly drive around with the number plate ‘spy’, now would he? Anything less than 007 here doesn’t really have a license to thrill.
9 Koala
The best of a bad bunch. We’re going to try and be positive about this one and believe he’s just a bit of an animal lover. Nothing wrong with that. But maybe next time donate the thousands you just spent on your ridiculous number plate to an animal welfare charity? How about it?
10 Red Bean
Looking to spice up your beige Volvo? What could possibly do the job better than a jazzy number plate like ‘RED BEAN’? Perhaps the owner is giving a shout-out to their favourite flavour, is a foodie fanatic or just a red bean rude boi? Let’s just hope they don’t pull up next to ‘DURIAN’ or ‘MATCHA’. That could be awkward.