
Have you got the bottle to design La Vache’s next wine magnum label?

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Time Out Hong Kong

To celebrate its fourth birthday this month Soho steak and frites favourite, La Vache is throwing open the floor to wannabe designers to create new labels for its red wine magnums.

Whether they genuinely want to give an opportunity to an aspiring designer or they can’t be bothered to design their own – who cares! Not when the winner is going to bag a flight for two to Paris, the birthplace of l’entrecôte – that’s sirloin steak to you and me – and a crate of wine sporting their winning label design, so they can bask in their own glory while getting sloshed on top vino.

Details of how to enter can be found here (key point: sketches need to be in by the end of December 1st) and favourites will be put forward to a public vote on the restaurant’s Instagram account from December 4th to 10th.

Get involved you talented bastards. Sam Sinha

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