When it opened in the spring of 2012, Galaxy Macau’s China Rouge quickly became a sophisticated go-to for the society set, likely due to the fact that the China Rouge of old was Macau’s highest-profile private members’ club.
Fast forward to this year and, after closing for a revamp, China Rouge is a private club no more. A dramatic entrance foyer begins your journey into grand old Shanghai, as reimagined by designer Alan Chan.
We start with an Eastern Fashioned ($128), a generous measure of Johnnie Walker Black Label combined with Mandarin Napoleon Liqueur and tangerine-infused Grand Marnier. It’s a well-crafted drink that packs a punch, with just enough sweetness to make it pretty damn drinkable. The Grand Lemonade ($108), served tall, is a little too sweet, though. The mix of Grand Marnier and Jack Daniel’s Sour Mash is shaken with homemade ‘sweet and sour’ and topped with lemonade. It’s refreshing but difficult to get through.
The revamp at China Rouge is a hit and the more accessible attitude is welcome. What’s regrettable about the drinking experience, though, is that more premium ingredients aren’t used. Doing so would surely elevate the drinks to the next level. But, hey, even with average drinks, we’re willing to return on the vibe alone.