If you take in the appearance of his workshop; raggedy and messy with works and tools scattered all over the place (some of his works are even on the staircase that leads to the basement of the building) the setting may seem chaotic, but that wasn't always the case. During the prime of his career, he had four shops within the State Theatre Building, around 20 staff members, and was living quite the luxurious lifestyle without worrying about running out of money. But the merciless fire that occurred in the State Theatre in 1995 burned all of his work and effort into ashes, leaving him no choice but to lay off all his employees, sell his house, and continue on his journey as a one-man-band to provide for his three children, so as to avoid being chased after for money. Now, the remnants of his workshop is his ‘home’ – where he has his meals and does what he does best, making traditional signboards.

King Wah Signboards
Time Out says
- Address
- State Theatre, 277-291 King's Road, North Point
- Hong Kong
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