Hart Haus

Home is where the Hart is
  • Art
  • Kennedy Town
  1. Hart Haus Kennedy Town interior
    Hart Haus
  2. Hart Haus Kennedy Town interior
    Hart Haus
  3. Hart Haus Kennedy Town interior
    Hart Haus
Time Out Hong Kong in partnership with Hart Haus

Time Out says

Hart is an arts initiative that explores art and space together with the artful community catalysts in Hong Kong. Not only does Hart foster collaboration and community values through new forms of arts and creative lifestyle projects, but it also revitalises a culture of creativity with active participation and focuses on the process of hands-on making. Hart promotes insightful exchanges and cultural dialogues through its Hart collective of spaces around the city. The Hart Haus studio in Kennedy Town welcomes all artists and creative talents alike to work in a social setting, whilst giving the community a platform to experiment and evolve creative practices, as well as opportunities for collaboration, site-specific projects.

For more information about Hart Haus and the great work they do, head to its official website, or check out their Instagram (@harthaushk/@harthongkong) and Facebook page.


3/F, Cheung Hing Industrial Building
12P Smithfield Road, Kennedy Town
Hong Kong
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