Amy Maria Tong

Known for her work with bold colours and diverse mediums, Tong’s art conveys the complexity of human emotions. Since 2013, she has been exhibited in various galleries, including in the UK and at The Offset at Hong Kong’s PMQ.
How did you start as an artist?
I started my career spray painting murals on the street. I liked when people would approach me asking about my art as I worked. Gradually I became more of a painter, and now I spend more time on oil paintings.
What inspires you?
Things in society that frustrate me. My inspiration also comes from learning and experimenting.
Describe your art in three words.
Humble. Honest. Experimental.
What are the positive aspects and challenges of being an artist in Hong Kong?
Hong Kong is inspirational, and to get the most out of it as an artist, it’s important to try not to worry about what others think of your work. We live in such a commercial city, where people often talk about possessions and eating at fancy restaurants. It can be difficult not to get caught up in this and let it negatively affect your work.
How would you describe Hong Kong’s art scene?
There’s been a recent explosion of street art in Hong Kong because it’s aesthetically pleasing and accessible for the everyday folk. Recent socio-political events in the city have also awakened creativity in many Hongkongers, too.
What are your hopes for the future of our local art scene?
More knowledge and support for different forms of art. More collectors who genuinely appreciate art because they find meaning in it, not just because it’s cool or popular.
Find her work here: Instagram @amymariat, HART Haus, 3/F, Cheung Hing Industrial Bldg, 12P Smithfield, Kennedy Town.