
Turner Prize show opens at Tramway

Written by
Kaleigh Watterson

The four works nominated for this year’s Turner Prize are now on show at Glasgow’s Tramway in a free exhibition.

The contemporary art prize is being held in Scotland for the first time ever, and the winner will be announced at the venue on December 7, in an event to be broadcast live on Channel 4.

The four nominated works feature a variety of artistic styles including audio, performance, music, architecture and design.

The nominated artists are:

Assemble, a collective who have been nominated for their work renovating a scheme of derelict houses in the Granby Four Streets area of Liverpool. They’re presenting ‘A Showroom for Granby Workshop’ at Tramway, which features some of the items designed for the houses.

Bonnie Camplin, nominated for ‘The Military Industrial Complex’. This features an immersive study room looking at consensus reality, and covering areas such as witchcraft, psychology, warfare and quantum theory.

Janice Kerbel, nominated for her musical performance ‘Doug’. Commissioned by Glasgow's own Common Guild at the Mitchell Library, the work is made up of nine songs and tells the story of the fictional title character.

Nicole Wemers, nominated for ‘Infrastruktur’. Her sculptures, collages and installations look at art within consumer culture, and her piece features a collection of chairs with fur coats sewn onto their backs.

Tramway’s director, Sarah Munro, says the exhibition aims to challenge, inspire and provoke. ‘It is here to start conversations, to be passionate about,’ she says. ‘Most of all it is here to be experienced.’

Alongside the exhibition, Tramway has created a programme to encourage visitors of all ages to engage with the event. 'Try Something New' features workshops and other contemporary art exhibitions at venues including the Gallery of Modern Art and Cass Art’s Art Space.

Turner Prize, Tramway, October 1-January 17 2016. Free entry.

See more things to do in Glasgow from Time Out.

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