Congratulations, Team Scotland: we've done it again. Not only are we blessed with one of the world's sexiest accents, but a recent survey by has uncovered that we're the most likely in the UK to be generous when dropping some green on some greenery. Or spending money on flowers, as it's also known.
The survey, which was totally scientific and not at all an attention-seeking PR stunt pulled by a flower delivery service in the run-up to Valentine's Day, found that Scots spent an average of £41.54 on a romantic bouquet, compared with those second place smoochers in North East England (£37.48) or those apparently loveless skinflints in the Midlands (a miserly £32.08).
Before you start getting all full of yourself though, it's worth noting that only three Scottish cities were surveyed, with Aberdonians significantly pulling up the national average - they spent £49.99 on a bouquet (earning them a place in the top three overall), as opposed to £37.76 in Edinburgh and £36.86 in Glasgow. Which still ranks Weegies one place higher than London (£36.69), so at least there's that.
Naturally, people who went for a walk in the meadow with their beloved and picked wildflowers - or indeed, those who entirely avoided severing a plant from its roots, thereby condemning it to die, all for the fleeting amusement of their paramour - were not among those surveyed.
Have a happy Valentine's!
Now that you're feeling all proud of yourself, why not share your romantic prowess with the rest of the world as part of the Time Out Global Dating Survey?