BrewDog, the craft brewers with the self-proclaimed 'punk' ethos, have unveiled a new venue in Glasgow's Merchant City: DogHouse, a 'triple-threat' (in that it's a bar, restaurant and bottle shop rolled into one). If you haven't had a chance to check it out yet, here's a taste of what you can expect.

Well, duh. As one of Scotland's leading craft breweries, there's obviously gonna be a focus on beer at any of BrewDog's ventures, though as the above menu shows, they're not sticking exclusively to their own brand. (In case you're wondering, their home-made IPAs etc were on another board.)

BrewDog's third UK off-licence (following BottleDog outlets in both London and Edinburgh), this well-stocked bottle shop is one of those perfect 'exit through the gift shop' opportunities for when you're done at the bar but fancy a little something for when you get home. Again, BrewDog's own selection is available but it's by no means the only choice.

We're not quite persuaded by the argument that barbequed meat is the only thing that goes with craft beer (and we know a fair few vegetarian beer fans who'd agree with us), but there's no denying the DogHouse BBQ pit is a carnivore's heaven.
Board games

Because it's craft beer, yeah? So you're not meant to chuck it back in pints but instead take your time over it, relax, make it more sociable. Not that we can picture folk grabbing a booth and settling down to a full-length Monopoly or Risk campaign - those things take hours - but it is a bit more wholesome than a whole table of friends fixated on their phones.

There's a deceptively large amount of seating at DogHouse - from the diner-style tables and chairs by the barbeque pit to the booths, benches and even raked boxes in the main bar, plus picnic benches with gas lamp heating for those willing to brave the great outdoors. Yet despite this array of places to plonk your arse, it'll still be standing room only on a Friday or Saturday night.
All craft everything

Because not everything can begin with B.
DogHouse, 99 Hutcheson Street, Merchant City.
See more craft beer bars in Glasgow.