Temporada Alta 2016: De welwillenden

One of Europe's most prestigious directors presents an adaptation of one of the key novels of the 21st century
  • Theatre, Drama

Time Out says

If there's a novel that has already marked an era in the 21st century it is, without doubt, 'The Kindly Ones' (originally published in French as 'Les Bienveillants') by US author Jonathan Littell. It's the story of a Nazi official who, as if he was writing his memoirs, relates everything that he saw and did during the Second World War. Max Aue is a normal man who doesn't regret anything. A regular man who saw the horror and was part of it. Guy Cassiers, one of the most prestigious directors in Europe and already well-known to Temporada Alta audiences, has adapted, together with Dutch company Toneelgroep d'Ivo van Hove, and the Flemish Toneelhuis (both prestigious organisations in their own right), a great book.

(In Dutch with Catalan and English subtitles.)


€12, €22, €36
Opening hours:
6pm and 9pm
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