La Reverter is a good example of a pastisserie that does well despite all the anti-calorie madness that our, otherwise well-fed society, is being bombarded with. The shop, located in the bourgeois Eixample of Girona, retains the magic of yesteryear while also showcasing various innovative products: surprising sweet fried potatoes (they're made of white and dark chocolate), and the star product, Coca d'Ermessenda, a variety of the typical Catalan 'coca' cake, that's inspired by the first abbess of the convent of Sant Daniel.
The actual bakery of the cake shop is situated just next to that thousand-year-old monument, at the entrance to the Vall de Sant Daniel, a forest that immerses the city without warning, and that has hundreds of springs and some aromatic herbs that Reverter uses in its recipes. The bakery has installed a small counter and cafeteria, and the number of cyclists and runners stopping by for a croissant at the weekend just keeps on growing.