At Can Jeroni they still serve 'farmers' breakfasts' ('ezmorzars de pagès') like in the good old days. Veal with wild mushrooms, calf's feet and tripe, cuttlefish with peas, veal cheek with onions or kidneys cooked in wine. Do you dare? Believe me, after a substantial breakfast like that, you'll be able to meet any challenge that the day throws at you. At the risk of sounding politically incorrect, Roser, the fourth generation of females in charge of the restaurant's kitchen, says that at Can Jeroni they do women's cooking. Girona farmer's market is nearby, and this can be tasted in their dishes, which are all made with quality ingredients. They also create more modern recipes: cod fritters, Galician-style octopus from Roses, cod with mousseline or with pepper and tomato, cod rice with artichokes or with cuttlefish and crayfish, and much more. They regularly adapt their menu to feature seasonal products, and 90 percent of their wine list features local Empordà wines.

Can Jeroni
Time Out says
- Address
- de Castelló, 36
- Figueres
- 17600
- Opening hours:
- Mon-Sat 8.30am-noon (breakfasts) and 1pm-3.30pm. Fri-Sat 8.30pm-10pm (dinners).
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