1. Don’t feed the ‘crap’ economy
'Obviously don't stand on the left of an escalator. But beyond that, be aware that London has a thriving Crap industry, designed to separate tourists from their money. Crap restaurants, crap tours, crap pubs, crap shops, none of which deserve a minute of your time. If you chance it with some shabby centrally located cafe in Barcelona or Lisbon, it might well be excellent. The equivalent places in London are all bad and simply entering them will make you depressed. Without any planning you might well pinball from one of these places to the others, becoming increasingly disenchanted with London, and eventually life.' – Joe Mackertich, editor at Time Out London
'There's a Portuguese saying – ‘comer gato por lebre’ – which translates to ‘to buy a pig in a poke’. It means being tricked into thinking you've got something high-quality, but it's actually common, fake, or just plain bad. If you want to be a savvy tourist in Lisbon, don't fall for the traps of supposedly traditional restaurants proudly offering Spanish paellas, English breakfasts, and Porto's francesinhas as if they were local delicacies.' – Vera Moura, editor at Time Out Portugal