In case you don’t already know, here’s a quick history of the Edinburgh International Festival: founded in 1947 in the wake of WWII, the EIF was created to provide ‘a platform for the flowering of the human spirit’, inviting performers from around the world to come together in a show of international artistic unity. Today it’s recognised as a cornerstone of the Edinburgh Festivals, the world’s biggest arts festival.
In addition to a programme encompassing music, dance, theatre, opera and more, the EIF also aims to promote artistic talent behind the scenes. The role of Festival Photographer is awarded each year to an aspiring snapper, who’ll have unparalleled access to EIF performances throughout its three week run in August (plus a £3500 prize). Recruitment for this year’s Festival Photographer post is open from now until noon on Sat Feb 14 – visit the EIF website for more info on how to apply.
The photos in this gallery were taken by 2014 Festival Photographer Clark James – you can see more of his work at