Do something sporty

With no Olympics or Commonwealth Games to distract us, this summer’s stand-alone sporting highlights shine all the brighter. The city-wide Edinburgh Festival of Cycling (Jun 11-21) promotes bike-based activity in the capital, and includes the nocturnal Edinburgh Night Ride (Jun 19), though confusingly there's an identically-named event the following night. Both the nighttime MoonWalk (Jun 13) and daytime Race for Life (Jun 14) marathon events raise money to fight cancer; Scotland’s national team faces off against Italy in a Rugby World Cup warm-up at Murrayfield on Aug 29; and the Tour of Britain long-distance cycling race swings through the capital on Sep 9. In the midst of all that, you’re of course more than welcome to gather in front of a big outdoor screen (such as those found at The Three Sisters, Pear Tree House and Festival Square) to watch Andy Murray win Wimbledon (Jun 29-Jul 12) once again. Probably.