
You know it's summer in Edinburgh when...

Written by
Izzy Gray
Princes Street Gardens East summer, sunny
Photo: daniel0685, via Flickr | |

The warm weather has finally appeared and the arrival of an improved climate brings a new atmosphere and range of uniquely summery occurrences to our fair city.

You know it's summer in Edinburgh when...

1. Bobby's nose turns gold

What can I say?  Tourists just can't get enough of petting that pooch's nose.

Greyfriars Bobby

Charles Hailbronner

2. Everyone turns up to the office on Monday with a suspicious red tinge

Despite only seeing the sun for about 10% of the year, it seems us Scots will never appreciate the true value of a good suncream.

3. As a rule of thumb, anything that can be, will be turned into a beer garden

Underbelly Limited,

4. The 'Sun's oot, taps aff!' mentality sets in

Which is not always a good thing...

5. You find yourself overwhelmed with choice when the programmes for the various festivals arrive at the start of June

Fringe programmes go like gold dust.

6. You need to formulate a plan of action before walking down the Royal Mile
Locals know to plan an alternative route to work; tourists are not always so lucky. God have mercy on those who find themselves running late for a train, only to find themselves caught amidst a sea of people fighting for places to watch as a man on a unicycle juggles with swords.

The Royal MilePhil Richards,

7. You've witnessed at least three bin fires

When will people learn that disposable barbecues and park bins are just not a good combination?  

8. You never leave the house without an umbrella, waterproofs, gloves, wellies and probably even some thermals...

...even when the sun's shining, because you know better.

9. You can't escape the sound of bongos/bagpipes/Spanish guitar playing... matter how far you walk.

10. The tightrope walkers appear in the Meadows
You can't help but admire their enthusiasm as whole afternoons are whittled away attempting to get from one end of the line to the other. Secretly, you've always wanted a shot...

A typical summer scene in the MeadowsIzzy Gray

11. German sausages, nachos and crepes constitute your entire diet for the whole of August

12. Every bag you own is home to half a dozen crumpled flyers
13. You've given up trying to explain the difference between The Fringe and the International Festival
14. You've found yourself being sweet-talked into a free Fringe show, only to discover you're the only one there
15. You could quite easily walk down George IV Bridge, dressed only in tin foil and scat-singing through a megaphone, and no one would bat an eyelid
16. You still jump every time you hear the fireworks go off at the end of the Tattoo, despite it happening every night for a month

Fireworks over Edinburgh CastleIzzy Gray

17. You find yourself in that awkward situation where you know you're standing beside someone famous, but you're not quite sure of their name...
...and you're pretty sure they wouldn't appreciate being asked while standing in line waiting to buy a packet of fags.
18. You climb to the top of Arthur's Seat and after taking in the view of the city below, and promise yourself that you will make it up here more often.
It never happens, but it's the thought that counts. 

Spencer Means

19. Everyone becomes ill during the first week of September
Festival flu is a very real thing, people!
20. You've watched as the sun sets over the castle, giving it that lovely golden glow, and thought to yourself, 'Damn, I'm lucky to be here'
And y'know what? You are. You really, really are.

Edinburgh CastleCalvin YC,

 See more things to do in Edinburgh from Time Out

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