The Cameo cinema is promising a special treat this Valentine's weekend, with several special screenings of 'The Room' - the 'Citizen Kane of bad movies', according to Entertainment Weekly. Not only that, but 'The Room's creator, Tommy Wiseau, will be on hand to introduce the movie, plus an extra added surprise - an episode of his new sitcom, 'The Neighbours', which promises to be just as, erm, 'special' as the film.
For those uninitiated into the cult of 'The Room', here's the quick version: it's a horrendously, hilariously awful indie romantic thriller written, directed, produced by and starring Wiseau, alongside a handful of less-than-gifted actors including Wiseau's co-producer Greg 'Sestosterone' Sestero. The very badness of the film has earned it a huge cult following, with audiences showing up to pelt the screen with plastic spoons and recite the script's worst lines, 'Rocky Horror' style - and the saga is set to continue, as the rights to Sestero's highly readable behind-the-scenes book, 'The Disaster Artist', have been snapped up by James Franco, who's pegged to direct and star as Wiseau.
'The Room' is screening at the Cameo Cinema from Fri Feb 13-Sun Feb 15 - tickets are expected to sell-out quickly, so book yours now.