Friday night is ladies’ night in the city, as special guests Rebekah and Flava D duel it out for your attention playing respective doses of house and techno at one end of the Cowgate, and bass and grime at the other. Admirers of testosterone may wish to wait until Saturday, when Nightvision bring George Fitzgerald for a raw club set.
Jackhammer with Rebekah and Stephen Brown – The Caves, Fri Jan 30
Residents Keyte and Wolfjazz have a great techno double bill to shake the bricks in this distinctive arched vault of a venue underneath Edinburgh’s Old Town, with Birmingham’s Rebekah Parmar, former glamour model and now one of the foremost female DJs and producers in the country toplining. A member of Chris Liebing’s CLR roster since the Cycles EP in 2013, she’s backed up by a live set from Scottish veteran Stephen Brown (Transmat, Theory).

Elektrikal with Flava D – Bongo Club, Fri Jan 30
The Elektrikal Soundsystem’s first party of 2015 will feature a Scottish debut for Londoner Danielle Gooding, aka Flava D, a DJ and producer whose recordings on Elijah and Skilliam’s Butterz label (her debut double EP ‘Hold On’ / ‘Home’ appeared in 2013) have pushed her towards the forefront of the contemporary grime scene in her home city. Also the producer of ‘In the Dance’ on Formula and an occasional Rinse FM DJ, she’ll play an hour’s set here alongside Numbers’ Taz and the Elektrikal residents.
Nightvision with George Fitzgerald – La Belle Angele, Sat Jan 31
Another weekend, another potential Nightvision classic, as the rampagingly good quality series of Edinburgh-based dance events this time offers up a headline set from Berlin-based Englishman George Fitzgerald (pictured above). A producer of off-beam electronica and still more than suitably club-friendly techno, his work has found its way onto such disparate labels as the more indie-friendly Domino and its sister label Double Six Recordings, as well as familiar techno and house hubs Hotflush and Aus Music, and his own Man Make Music. Support comes from rising young Edinburgh house and techno DJ Kirk Douglas, both artists a perfect fit for the Nightvision, er, vision.