
Doors Open Day returns to Edinburgh

Written by
Kaleigh Watterson

More than one hundred buildings and sites in Edinburgh that are normally closed to the public will be throwing open their doors later this month for the annual Doors Open Day event. Organised by Edinburgh civic trust the Cockburn Association, the two-day event on September 26-27 will feature explorations of buildings across the city and beyond, alongside talks and walking tours. There are 113 venues taking part in 2015 - here are eight we'd recommend making time for.

The Royal Lyceum Theatre
Explore the backstage areas of the theatre to find out about its history and for younger visitors there will be a range of activities inspired by upcoming Christmas production ‘The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe’.
Grindlay Street, Sun 10am-4pm.

The Victorian School Room
Experience what it was like to attend school during the reign of Queen Victoria and take part in a lesson about the era’s food or learn how to write using a nib pen. The centre also has a museum filled with Victoriana including household items, most of which can be handled.
The History of Education Centre, in the grounds of Leith Walk Primary School, 9 Brunswick Road, Leith. Sat-Sun 10am-4pm.

Custom House
Built in 1812, Custom House was originally used to collect dues for the Port of Leith but in recent years has been used as storage by National Museums of Scotland with no public access. Guided doors will take place and the Scottish Historic Buildings Trust will be listening for suggestions on the site’s future use.
66-67 Commercial Street, Leith. Sat-Sun 10am-4pm.

Assembly Rooms
One of Edinburgh’s most iconic venues, the Assembly Rooms was built in 1787 and has been returned to its 18th century splendour following a multimillion-pound refurbishment. Guided tours will be available for Doors Open Day.
54 George Street. Sun 11am-4pm.

St Andrew’s House
The home of the Scottish Government celebrated its 75th anniversary in 2014 and will be offering guided tours for Doors Open Day. Book your place via email - walk-ins will not be available.
St Andrew’s House, Regent Road. Sat-Sunday 10am-4pm.

Advocates Library
Part of the Parliament House complex, the Advocates Library (no apostrophe) is the private working law library for the Faculty of Advocates, Scotland’s bar. Guided tours will be available showcasing the Playfair library corridor, the building’s law room (which was previously a court) and the Laith Hall beneath Parliament Hall. Advance booking is recommended but not mandatory.
Parliament House, Sat 10am-4.30pm.

Riddle’s Court
Construction is currently underway to convert this 16th century building into the Patrick Geddes Centre for learning and conservation; for Doors Open Day, the team are offering visitors the chance to explore the work in progress. Pre-booking is required and visitors will need to wear suitable footwear, with hard hats and hi-vis jackets provided on arrival.
322 Lawnmarket, Sat 10am-4pm.

Anatomical Museum and Lecture Theatre
See historical and contemporary material used by students, the skeleton of murderer William Burke, death masks and the magnificent lecture theatre at one of Edinburgh's quirkiest museums. There will also be talks about the history of anatomy teaching in the city, relating the Burke and Hare story to present day Edinburgh.
Old Medical School, Doorway 3, Teviot Place. Sat 10am-4pm.

See the full Doors Open Day Edinburgh programme.

See more things to do in Edinburgh from Time Out.

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