National enthusiasm for this World Cup has reached fever pitch. Nowhere is that truer than in Zagreb, attested to by many foreign media outlets reporting on the scenes of joyous pandemonium witnessed after Croatia's successes.
Following previous Croatia games, fireworks have lit up the sky all over Zagreb, hundreds of cars have cruised around the city, horns blaring and flying flags. Beer-filled, smiling singers sway in the streets for hours afterwards.
You're assured a great atmosphere for any of the remaining games in every bar. But watching on an outdoor screen truly embraces the grand scale on which the competition is viewed here. Here are a few options:
The biggest of the outdoor events are on the main city square, Trg Ban Josip Jelačić, where the screen is sheltered within a large stage. Popular local music acts perform before the games, ramping up the atmosphere. If Croatian score, expect near riotous behaviour to ensue, a spine-tingling noise from the thousands gathered and perhaps even the occasional shower of beer. If Croatia wins, the partying will continue until dawn.