1. croata, shops, dubrovnik, dubrovnik riviera and islands, croatia
    © Croata | Croata
  2. croata, shops, dubrovnik, dubrovnik riviera and islands, croatia
    © Croata | Croata
  3. croata, shops, dubrovnik, dubrovnik riviera and islands, croatia
    © Croata | Croata
  4. croata, shops, dubrovnik, dubrovnik riviera and islands, croatia
    © Croata | Croata


  • Shopping
  • Dubrovnik

Time Out says

Britain has the bowler, France has the beret and Bavaria the comedy leather trousers. And Croatia? Croatia has the cravat. Croatia is the home of the cravat. It's the national cultural symbol. Even the word 'cravat' comes from the Croatian word for 'Croat': hrvat. Not surprisingly, Croatia takes this tradition seriously. It even boasts an academic institution to research the heritage of the necktie – the history harks back to the Thirty Years' War, when Croatian girls knotted scarves around their fiancé’s neck before leaving for battle as an enduring symbol of their love. The ties aroused the interest of the French cavalry and the look caught on in fashionable Paris, evolving to become an international clothing staple. This store is the flagship Dubrovnik branch of the prestigious fashion house chain, selling the kind of garments they always offer to passing dignitaries, celebrities and men and women. The cravats, scarves, and shawls are cut from the finest silk, with special attention paid to the design motifs – many inspired by local heritage.


Pred Dvorom 2
All buses to Old Town
Opening hours:
Mon-Fri 9am-4pm
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