
Zagreb's new €5 million Medvedgrad visitor centre will open October 22

Written by
Lara Rasin
Assistant Editor
Medvednica, Zagreb
© dbajurin | Medvednica, Zagreb

3.5 years ago, repairs began on Zagreb's famed Medvedgrad Fortess.

Since the 13th century when it was erected, Medvedgrad has sat on the slopes of forest-covered Mount Medvednica; the beautiful green guardian of Croatia's capital city.

The now-finished Medvedgrad revamp project included a renovation of the fortress' walls, as well as three of its interior buildings.

Now, from October 22, guests will be able to enjoy the fortress once again - this time with a modern visitor centre, interactive exhibits, and educational information.

A fortress full of history

Nature Park Medvednica explains Medvedgrad's back story:

"[Medvedgrad Fortress] was built in 1254, after the catastrophic invasion of Tatars who had raided and devastated this area, burning and razing to the ground the two settlements which later became the city of Zagreb: the burgher’s Gradec and the bishop’s Kaptol. Although built in order to protect the burghers, the bishop and the ecclesiastical treasure, castle Medvedgrad commanded such a perfect strategic site that it was perpetually in the centre of proprietary and political turmoil. In its history it changed many lords, who won or lost it through marriage, purchase and sale, intrigue or even plotting. Even though magnificently fortified and always ready for battle, Medvedgrad was never attacked. On the contrary, the lords of Medvedgrad often filled their coffers and storehouses by plundering neighboring villages, and sometimes even, either by political or armed force, reached after Zagreb itself. The most notorious of them were the counts of Celje, who in the mid-15th century terrorized the town to such extent that many townspeople of Gradec had to flee from their homes. Even today the scary stories about the countess Barbara of Celje – the ill famed Black Queen – circulate about the villages at the foot of the mountain.

Medvedgrad was abandoned in 1590, after the fortress was devastated by a terrible earthquake, and its last lords moved to their much more modern and comfortable manor in Šestine.

Since then the castle at the top of the hill has been left to decay. It was visited only by adventurers and treasure hunters, searching for the treasure which, according to lore, was hidden there by the Black Queen."

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