
Zagreb’s Festival of Lights starts today!

The main buildings around the city to be illuminated for five consecutive evenings – and it's all free to watch!

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Editor, Time Out Croatia
Zagreb Festival of Lights
Sanjin Strukic/PIXSELL | Official presentation of the Festival of Lights

The transformation of Croatia’s capital into an illuminated wonderland begins today, Wednesday March 15, at 6pm. Zagreb’s fifth annual Festival of Lights, a free-to-watch series of projections on the city’s most prominent buildings, runs until 11pm. It then shows at the same times for the next four evenings, before closing on Sunday, March 19.

Of the 30 or so sites across the city, look out for the luminous birds on Trg Kralja Tomislava near the train station, the colours of spring spread over the Croatian National Theatre and the main square of Trg bana Josipa Jelačića, and the three figures bathed in the light of their own smartphones on Strassmayerovo šetalište.

You can find details of all the locations on the Festival of Lights website.

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