With temperatures consistently north of 20 degrees from here on in, locals are turning their social attention to outdoor activities. A popular choice is to throw some food onto the grills at the public barbecue stations in Bundek and Jarun – an annual tradition every May Day. For those visiting the capital this spring and summer, here’s a guide to a successful grill party in the city’s green spaces.
Count on competition
If you’re shooting for a weekend slot, you’d be well advised to send one of your party to the location earlier on to claim your spot. Bundek has about 20 or so tables. Though a couple of blankets will certainly do the trick, it’s the barbecue fireplaces themselves that are a little harder to guarantee. Having someone occupying the grill while the food gatherers are at the shop is probably a wise move.
What you need to bring
Aside from the obvious – the food, the drinks, plates and cutlery – here are some things you’ll need to make sure you provide for yourself. First of all, while there are fireplaces provided, grillers will need to bring their own grill rack and charcoal. Further, while there are plenty of regular bins along the walkways of Bundek, the amount of rubbish you’re likely to generate means that bringing your own bin bags is a must. The old adage applies: leave only footsteps!

The best location at Bundek
Particularly for families or for any group who likes a bit of space to play some badminton or casual football, the nicest spot at Bundek is along the walkway that runs in parallel with the bank of the Sava river, called Obala 8. svibnja 1945.
The fireplaces and benches here are surrounded by trees for shade and nice open patches of grass for games, as well as being close to a spacious playground complete with climbing frames and jungle gyms.
It also means easy access to the bank overlooking the river, as well as the walkways taking you deeper through the park for exploration (and maybe some ice-cream stands for the excitable little ones).