
Unveiled: the Burek Burger!

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Time Out contributors

Some people don't get long for their lunch break. It can be a tough call to decide what to eat when you don't have much time; should you go for the classic American-influenced cheeseburger? Or should you choose the local option (and permanent reminder of the Turkish footprint left in the Balkans) of burek?

Now that tough choice has been made easier, saving you time and worry on your lunch break. You can have both!

A new burek burger has been unveiled at this week's Zagreb Burger Festival. The burger is a beef patty sandwiched between two mini bureks. The burger is Bosnian-friendly; both bureks are made of meat, because, as the famous saying from across the border goes burek je samo s mesom – burek is only with meat!

You can find the burek burger at the stall run by local bistro legends Rougemarin for 58 kuna.

A Frankenstein foodstuff or a Balkan meat lover's manna from Heaven? You decide.

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