
Hop into Istria's first beer spa

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Time Out contributors

Istrian beer San Servolo have raised the bar in their offer of a unique spa experience. San Servolo, one of Croatia's best craft beers, was the first small brewery to open in Istria and also one of the first beers on Croatia's now exploding craft beer scene. They have since opened a resort and spa facility in the town of Buje.

Usually, you would expect the brewers of such a fine beer to be persuading you to try their drinks. But not at their spa. At San Servolo Resort & Beer Spa, they're offering guests the hopportunity to bathe in beer.

The procedure is primarily intended for the 'recovery and restoration of skin and hair beauty'. Most beer fans might not have previously been aware that their pints held such magical beautifying properties. What they will have been aware of is the wonderful smell of beer and so the second benefit of San Servolo's beer bath is one of aromatherapy. They also claim that the massage effect of the beer's foam and bubbles help vitamins and other valuable components absorb into the skin. Who knew that pils would be better for wellness than pills?

The spa also contains a wellness area, containing a swimming pool, sauna, fitness centre and an outdoor jacuzzi. Luckily the beer treatment is restricted to a bath and we can confirm that the pool and jacuzzi instead use water.

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