
OAZA Joyful Kitchen is preparing free meals for those in need

Written by
Lara Rasin
Assistant Editor
OAZA Joyful Kitchen
© OAZA Joyful Kitchen

Zagreb's vegan and vegetarian OAZA Joyful Kitchen has been doing its part for the community since the COVID-19 crisis began. On top of the pandemic, Zagreb was recently hit heavily by an earthquake which forced some citizens out of their homes and into temporary accommodations in student dormitories. The earthquake mixed with an recent influx of cold weather and snow has further aggravated an already difficult situation. To help, OAZA is preparing free, warm dishes for those in Zagreb who need them. OAZA is able to cover 100 meals a day for the next two weeks - but it's also kicked off a crowdfunding campaign hoping to further prolong this praiseworthy project.

OAZA Joyful Kitchen's crowdfunding campaign goal

Donations will go toward food preparation (ingredients, packaging, bills and delivery costs), while restaurant staff and cooks will work on a voluntary basis. OAZA aims to, with the help of contributors, secure at least 100 vegetarian and nutritious free meals a day over the next two months to show solidarity and help suffering citizens. The entire campaign will be monitored by an accounting firm to ensure financial transparency. At the end of the initiative, a full financial report will be posted on the restaurant's website.

How will those in need be reached?

OAZA has an ongoing media campaign dedicated to spreading information on the initiative. It's also working directly with community-based associations and charities to receive information on who needs meals the most. Anyone reading this who finds themselves in a tough spot right now can register for the program here:

How will OAZA prepare and deliver meals?

Meals will be prepared and packaged by the chefs of OAZA Joyful Kitchen according to the instructions of the Croatian Institute of Public Health Dr. Andrija Štampar. Restaurant staff delivering food will adhere to the same high hygiene standards.

Who is behind this initiative?

Community organisation PUT OAZAe d.o.o. was established with the goal of helping society and promoting socially oriented entrepreneurship. PUT OAZe d.o.o. was founded by non-profit association O.A.ZA., short for Održiva Alternativa ZAjednici (meaning: sustainable alternative for the community). O.A.ZA. was founded in Croatia seven years ago to promote sustainable development and youth education.

Who are partners of this initiative?

Non-profit association O.A.ZA., the Croatian Institute of Public Health Dr. Andrija Štampar, the City of Zagreb, the Center for
Social Work and Food for Life Global.

Anyone wishing to help can donate here.

This feature is part of Time Out Croatia's commitment to support businesses, commerce and non-profit organisations during the period of social distancing.

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